
Hochschule München, Heßstraße 89, 80797 München
089 5505060
Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE)

The Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE) was established in 2002 by Falk F. Strascheg, a venture capitalist and entrepreneur. It acts as a focal point for Munich University of Applied Sciences’ (MUAS) enterprise and knowledge exchange activities. Munich is a key location for academic entrepreneurship in Germany and is home to 4 public and 9 private HEIs, with a total of 110,000 students. As an institute associated with the MUAS, the SCE is firmly rooted in the academic world.

In 2011, the SCE and MUAS became one of the six EXIST Start-Up Universities in Germany. SCE´s goal is to nurture entrepreneurial thinking and action through education and business start-up support measures. The range of education and research programmes combine practical knowledge and personal development in an interdisciplinary setting. The programmes focus on innovation and start-ups as well as corporate and social development.

The start-up activities offer guidance for young businesses from idea development to innovation, business incubation, international networking and collaboration with external service providers e.g. venture capitalists, specialised IT consultants etc. The outreach activities focus on supporting the regional, national and international eco system to create an alive entrepreneurship community.


SCE promotes learning in live entrepreneurial settings that enhances effectuation skills. MUAS and SCE take a process-oriented approach to entrepreneurship, by either starting with a precise idea or a set of personal competences, skills and resources. Students apply different methods (effectuation, design thinking, lean start up, business modelling, ...) as well as leadership skills and interdisciplinary team work directly to an innovation project which they will be working on. Project owners can be students, professors or companies. The aim is to create product or service ideas, business models and implementation concepts for market entry. Professors from the fields of technology, business, social sciences, and design as well as entrepreneurship coaches of the SCE support the interdisciplinary teams of 5 participants to actionable results. This way, theoretical learning will be directly linked to practical application.


SCE Start-up support is about providing assistance to individuals pursuing their own entrepreneurial ventures. Experienced consultants are provided along with work space at the university incubator, a project budget and access to outside experts for addressing special issues. Support is available for business ideas of any type or in any industry: products, services, high-tech or low-tech, software or hardware. Alongside general start-up consulting, SCE provides regularly qualification and network events and offers special assistance to entrepreneurial teams in the SCE Start-up League.


Regional, national and international partnerships are a high priority at the SCE, with universities, businesses and institutions. The SCE was a founder of “4Entrepreneurship” – an entrepreneurship think-tank comprised of a network of the four Munich universities. The institutionalisation of the network “4Entrepreneurship” as well as the other manifold partnerships enable students to move more freely between the partner universities for entrepreneurship education and start up support as well as getting in contact with the real world of industry and society. New programmes have been developed, by SCE as the main founding or supporting partner, including:


  • GESS, the Global Entrepreneurship Summer School is built around yearly changing topics of global relevance
  • SEA, (Social Entrepreneurship Akademie) is an initiative, which works to broaden the network of organisations that anchor social entrepreneurship within the university and the society
  • Roundtable for Entrepreneurship Education (REE), initiated by Stanford University, SCE is co-chair of its European spin-out (EREE)
  • Coneeect, an European teach the teacher programme for entrepreneurship professors and a community platform
  • International research programmes to develop further the understanding of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education.